

  1. 答:首先,对你的创新意识以及精神表示赞赏,但是你这个题目不能写!我也是英语专业的,正好最近在准备论文。我也是个游戏迷,曾几何时想着写魔兽世界个职业技能翻译来着。。可是现实是无法找到已有的并且是已出版的外国文献资料!没有参考书目,你的论文只能是空谈。所以有想法是好的,但是确实不现实。。于是我也放弃我原来的梦想,改写文学方面的题目了。这种比较好操作。你最好选一个悲剧的作品,可以从悲剧现象体现、悲剧原因分析(社会、家庭、角色自身的性格缺陷)、特定社会环境对人性的扭曲、各种方面入手。而且学校图书馆和网上关于文学评论的文献都比较好找,更容易通过。有梦想是好的,但是人在屋檐下不得不低头啊!祝你好运,早定题目。
  1. 答:魔兽争霸-warcraft 魔兽世界-world 0f warcraft 帝国时代-empire of age 星际争霸-starcraft 红色警报-red alarm 三国志日文版英文名Sangokushi中文版英文名San Guo Zhi美版英文名Romance of the Three Kingdoms
  2. 答:魔兽争霸-warcraft 魔兽世界-world 0f warcraft 帝国时代-empire of age 星际争霸-starcraft 红色警报-red alarm 你说的三国到底是指什么游戏啊....
  1. 答:BREW is a value-added mobile data in the field of application and development of new technologies. This paper describes a simple mobile game development and the characteristics described in detail the core of BREW technology, as well as the procedures under the BREW platform development process.
    Mobile phones in the first game in the BREW platform, the use of VC + + to develop mobile applications, and then through the development kit BREWSDK the Emulator on the phone in puter simulation, and finally in the BREW platform design and development of mobile games and technology analyzed, including the resources to edit, process design and development, computer simulation and so on.
