

  1. 答:这里给你介绍下我的情况了,曾经我们医院凭晋升职称,每位医生都要写篇医学论文,我当时写的是外科论文,是在医学好网上查找的资料,这个网站专业写护理职称论文、药学职称论文、妇产科职称论文、内科职称论文、外科职称论文、肿瘤职称论文、泌尿职称论文、儿科职称论文等等,可以在百度上搜索。希望你成功!了解了解。总体来说不错。
  1. 答:Clinical analysis of senile peptic ulcer
    Explore the clinical characteristics of senile peptic ulcer, complications, and treatment methods and existing problems. Methods retrospective analysis of the collected in June 2006-2010 March were elderly (> 60) peptic ulcer 48 cases clinical data. Results incidence of senile peptic ulcer, clinical symptoms and not typical, complications and with gastrointestinal bleeding, complete treatment does not ideal, review rate is low. Conclusion senile peptic ulcer disease incidence, merger, more than plications, treatment for a long time, so to strengthen the senile peptic ulcer patient care, steering, standardized treatment to reduce plications and mortality, improve the quality of life.
    Keywords:peptic ulcer elderly people supervise
  2. 答:Clinical Analyses of senile peptic ulcer
    Discussed the clinical character, complication, therapeutic method and existing problems of peptic ulcer of senior citizens. Approach: Retrospective collection and analysis on 48 cases of peptic ulcer of senior citizens aged over 60 from June.2006 to March.2010. Result: senile peptic ulcer has a high rate morbidity with various and atypical symptoms. plications are gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Treatments usually are unsatisfactory and inadequate. Conclusion: senile peptic ulcer has a high morbidity rate, complications and requires long treatment. Thus, more concern and supervision upon the senior citizen are required to standardize treatment and to plications and mortality.
  1. 答:有消化道出血的绪论,怎么写?这是一个医生写的东西呀,你们如果是医生的话,应该学了这方面的知识的
  2. 答:上消化道出血的训练怎么写,那你要看一下别人的文章,借鉴一下就知道了。
  3. 答:发到出血的绪论,那可以检验一些医学资料,然后才能写出这样的专著。
  4. 答:出血的话,虚弱的话你可以按照它症状来写的。
  5. 答:这个如果根据写绪论,我个人建议就是他这个症状还有产生的结果。
  6. 答:上消化道出血的论结论怎么写?我觉得这个要根据自己的观察来写。
  7. 答:上色画到出血,一般是指十二指肠以上的出现,训练的话可以简单写一下。
  8. 答:上呼吸道出血的猪论具体如何去描写我不是很清楚
  9. 答:笑话倒出血的绪论怎么写?这个你查一下书籍,或者看一下资料,你就会有提示,你怎么写?或者电话咨询
  10. 答:上消化道出认可的绪论怎么写?我觉得根据你个人的观察情况进行续写。
